
Frequently Asked Questions

Collection Procedures

  • 1. What happens if I miss sending a payment?

  • 2. If my payment is late, how much will I be charged in late fees?

  • 3. What happens if I do not respond to your notices and letters?

  • 4. If I have not received your notices and letters, will my account still be sent to a collection agency if it becomes more than 75 days overdue?

  • 5. What is a delinquent or defaulted account?



To obtain more information on loans, contact me!

Deborah K. Monko
Director, Student Financial Services
Phone: (717) 558-7809
Email: studentservices-foundation@pamedsoc.org



To obtain more information on scholarships, contact me!

Susan Caputo
Manager, Finance, Compliance & Scholarships
Phone: (717) 558-7815
Email: studentservices-foundation@pamedsoc.org